桐原書店発行の英語副教材『WHAT'S UP ?』(どうしたの?変わったことないかい?の意)に本校の活動が紹介されていました。この本は、今、世界で起こっている出来事を英語で読んで考えるためのもので、高校生が興味を持つと思われるトピックを写真やイラストを多く用いて編集されています。該当ページを紹介します。
Action for the Future 2014年11月にユネスコスクールの世界大会高校生フォーラムが岡山市で開かれました。 その前年に全国約650のユネスコスクールの中からESD(持続可能な開発のための教育) 大賞を受けた福島の安達高校の代表も参加して、英語で発表やディスカッションを行いました。
It has been seventy years since the end of World War Ⅱ. How has the world changed? There are still wars and difficult problems in the world. It sometimes seems hopeless. However, there are also new movements. Young people of the world get together and try to make a brighter future. For example, in 2014 a big meeting was held in Okayama. Young people from 34 countries get together and discussed important issues. They made presentations and held discussions about ESD. Four students from Adachi High School in Fukushima were able to join it. They were studying about nuclear effects and future energy. As is well known, the area has been suffering from the effects of 3-11. Students there want to do something to help their city and prefecture. They gave a presentation in English and discussed important issues with the students from other prefectures and countries. The high school students exchanged opinions and shared ideas. They feel : My world extends from the classroom to the schoolyard, from the schoolyard to the community, from the community to my country, from my country to your country, and then further to the world and to the Planet. For sure, these kinds of movements are spreading around the world and they will change our future. ( 『WHAT'S UP ?Elementary 2015-2016 』p16~17 桐原書店 )